The long answer is that our pets have many environmental allergens, outdoor AND indoor. Some of these may be seasonal, while others are year-round. The most common things we see are pollens, weeds, and trees. Indoor allergens may have a larger list such as scented items in the home (cleaners, perfumes, essential oils, plug-in wallflowers or diffusers, candles, etc. Things we cannot see in our homes that pets may be allergic to are dust mites, storage mites, and certain types of mold. It may be scary to think that we have these things lingering in our homes, however, these LOVE to live in and underneath carpet as well as corners that we can’t see.
What can we do about it?
1.) We do offer allergy testing at AHOM. This is a quick procedure which only requires a blood draw. Test results are often available within the week. From this, we can formulate an allergy serum that can be administered at home orally to help manage your pet’s allergies.
2.) Cytopoint: A monoclonal antibody injection specifically targeting an “itchy” signal within the body. Some patients may benefit from the injection every 30 days, while others may need it every 3-4 months.
3.) Apoquel: A tablet that modulates the immune system specifically targeting multiple “itchy” signals within the body. Given daily, the first dose takes effect within the first 4 hours.
4.) Flea Prevention: Yes, that’s right; it is 2024 and we are STILL seeing pets COVERED in fleas! It is by far the most common allergy we see as flea allergic pets will have a reaction from ONE flea bite. Please, contact us about flea prevention if you are not sure what to use! We are happy to discuss this with you at an appointment as well!
We will discuss food allergens at a later date as it is a special soapbox topic for Dr. Agee and I! If you are interested in hearing more information about your pets directly from your vets, stay tuned!
~Dr. Leslie Poynor